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Scientifically validated to support & maintain eye health
Premium Grade 1 Saffron grown in NZ
Take only one small capsule per day
FREE shipping in NZ
$2 donated to back to the community for every bottle sold

What People Say

I need to tell you that I started taking these pills about 4 years ago. I am a pilot who has had to wear glasses since I was thirteen years old. Since taking your pills, I have passed both my pilot’s medicals twice and also my drivers test without the use of glasses! I am 68 years old and I should be needing glasses as I age. Not so with the saffron! Thank you so so much for your product. Ronnie USA (Full name and address supplied)


I have mentioned your product to my cousin who is dealing with glaucoma and macular degeneration as am I. Per my ophthalmologist from last years exam, my condition seem to be holding .... which is a good result in my opinion. Charlotte USA (Fall name and address supplied)


I have been diagnosed with macular degeneration about 6 years ago and not only is it dry and stable, but the last tests show that the drusen are actually getting smaller and are all but gone in my better eye. My vision on the Amsler grid improved! So my retina specialist is pleased and simply said ‚continue what you are doing‘. Adding the saffron supplement is definitely helpful!! Thank you. (full name and address supplied) NC, USA


I had purchased the "starter pack" while on the Saffron Tour with you. I didn't have my eyes tested and wasn't really sure it was doing anything until I stopped - about 4 or 5 days later my eyes were back to being runny and itchy again. I am now back on Hawk Eye and a firm believer in your wonderful product! (full name and address supplied) Central Otago


"John" (full name given) brought a Heavy Weight Hawk Eye pack in 2020 at the local Wanaka A&P show. He has MD in one eye and was looking for a natural supplement to help his eye health. He had been involved in Saffron overseas, so was very keen to try this for eye health. He came back to me this year at the 2021 Wanaka A&P show a very happy man. His eye exams throughout the year had shown no further deterioration in his MD affected eye, and overall eye health was great. Another 12 month supply purchased and lets see what that brings! Fantastic update and news. (Central Otago)


Hi Wendy, Just touching base to let you know that I have had my annual eye check . Amazingly ,I have made a 100% recovery from the Uveitis. I have seen the scan for my eye and there is no indication I have had it.
No sign of glaucoma or macular degeneration. Thank you for your marvelous Hawk Eye product. (Paddy-Ann has been with us right from the start of Hawk Eye, 8 years ago now - fantastic.

"My husband who was told last eye check he has the beginning of MD, but with no progression since his previous check which was good. I am actually wondering if results are better from saffron than supplementation with the AREDS-2  formula. (full name and address Supplied USA)

"My Husband was diagnosed with glaucoma last year and when he went back to specialist a few weeks ago after using Hawkeye for 3 months, there was no more deterioration, and may even have improved slightly., so well done guys. " Sue from NZ (Name and address supplied)

"I have been using Hawk Eye for a detached retina and scar tissue. I wouldn't be without it. Diane M, Illinois, USA (full name and address supplied)


"I wanted to share w/you that my recent retinologist's noted a "slight" improvement when examining my eyeballs this past week. As what I have (ARMD) is a deteriorating disease, I can only chalk this up to my daily regimen that includes YOUR SAFFRON.(Hawk Eye)" - great result! (Buffalo, USA - name and address supplied)


"I've noticed without your product for a week my eyes get dry, itchy and bother me so it has really helped my dry eyes to hydrate them on an ongoing basis "  Northland, NZ (name and address supplied) - this is common with our customers that also have eye allergies, so fab update thank you.


"I have MD and it has steadily been getting worse. My specialist said an option was to have an operation on my eyes. But a friend of mine had started taking Hawk Eye and her results convinced me to give it a try. My last test after nearly the first 120-day supply showed the deterioration had ceased, and an improvement was showing. I have ordered my next 120-day supply and am excited to see what happens. A Morris, West Coast(full name and address supplied)


"I am 84 years old and have dry MD, I have been taking your capsules for nearly two years now, and my vision is still good (as good as it can be at my age!) and my MD is still dry. Love your saffron and saffron capsules. Thank you so much!!" MC, USA (Full name and address supplied)


"I started with your middleweight pack (180 day supply) to give it a good go, and I am glad that I did. I usually go to my optometrist every six months, but on my last visit he told me - see you in 12 months! Eyesight health has improved - very happy, re order has been sent, thank you." SH, Canterbury NZ (Full name and address supplied)


"Just wanted to say thank you for your fabulous Hawk Eye. My Mom’s eyesight improved from Hawk Eye( she has dry AMD)—enough for her to pass the eye test to continue driving—your Saffron is wonderful!!!  Many, many thanks—Suzanne" (Full name and address supplied)


"I was in Roxburgh and a friend of mine suggested we visit the Saffron Farm. I had been diagnosed with early Macular Degeneration the previous September and I was keen to try the Hawk Eye. I had a repeat scan which showed a slight worsening before and I have just about finished the bottle so had another scan today which showed improvement!!! Hurrah! I need another scan in 6 months. Many thanks" SS, Rangiora, NZ (full name and address supplied)

"I had been told by a friend about your company and who brought your Saffron Capsules (Hawk Eye) to my attention. I began using it in July, 2018 (after my friends first appointment after she started using it and hearing the results of that appointment).  My retinologist told me last month that there had been no change in my eye condition since 2016.  I think we're on to something..." JP, Illinois, USA (full name and address supplied)


"Marge wanted to be sure that she imparted to us is that she started using our saffron product April 1, 2018.  She decided to do this because, although one eye was significantly affected by macular degeneration, her other eye had just been diagnosed with it, and she had read that saffron helped slow the disease if taken early in the course of the disease.   So, although she was envisioning the need the need for continued inoculations in the one eye, (at least every three months), at least she was doing something to perhaps slow the disease in the other. However, since end of April 2018, she has had no need of inoculations in her bad eye.  Marge's doctor(s), to whom she has confided about taking the saffron, and who initially had a wait and see attitude, are now saying "keep doing what you are doing". MW, Illinois, USA (full name and address supplied)


" I first brought hawk eye when Toko Ladies Golf visited have now run out. I have diabetes and after my latest eye exam I got a great report. Thanks" (re-order completed) AS, Otago (name and address supplied)


"I didn't know if these capsules were working, as I haven't had my eyes tested, but when I run out, I noticed a big difference in my eyes. I am now back on them! Thank you Wendy." AF, Otago (name and address supplied)


"I have been taking your Hawk Eye Capsules for 4 months now and have noticed an improvement in my eye health" Thank you. LR, West Otago (name and address supplied) 


"I am a new patient of Dr. K. and was seeing him for laser treatments to eliminate the clouding of  lens that were put in after a cataract surgery. Dr. K who was impressed with the good condition of my eyes (with the exception of the AMD) he said. I started ordering from you after seeing a note sent to a web site I like here, called the People's Pharmacy.  A woman had written in and said that she had AMD and was taking saffron from a place in NZ and so that is why I am continuing with you.  My AMD is dry and has been for the past 4 years.  I'm hoping that saffron will help keep it that way for if it turns into "wet AMD" as I will have to have monthly injections in my eyes.  Not a good thing. " Mary C from South Carolina, USA


"My husband has been taking Hawk Eye for four months, he had his eyes checked prior to taking these capsules. He has Macular Degeneration (dry) and has been having trouble reading. After the four months, he had his eye checked again, and his eyesight has improved another two lines on the snellen chart, and the waviness has gone.  He is very happy, and we love dealing with Wendy!" RH, South Otago (name and address supplied)


"I have experienced improvements with my eyes and much less eye strain as before and less dryness. It seems there is a bit more clarity as well so I plan on continuing to take it"AT, Kaitaia, NZ (name and address supplied)


“I do love this product!! Really noticed a difference in my long distance sight!! Prefer taking my glasses off now when driving or just around home! Just fantastic!! You’re one in a million guys!! Keep up that fantastic work!!”  

SC, Dunedin, NZ (name and address supplied)

"My mum has been ‘quietly thrilled’ with Hawk Eye.  She wasn’t sure at the very start (when I sent her the first batch) but she is definitely a customer for life now!  From the bottom of my heart, “Thank You” for growing such high quality saffron and bringing such an amazing product to the market!!" AL, Central Otago, New Zealand (name and address supplied)


"Graham, a thrill to hear from you! I really feel the saffron is helping my eyesight. I am profoundly nearsighted, -19 in each eye. It is corrected with contacts and recently with lens implants. I had bleeding behind one retina which resulted in scarring and then distortion in my vision. To make a long story longer I read an article from a women who said her eyesight improved using saffron from New Zealand. I loved your website and  after using your saffron I went from not seeing the E on the vision test to 20/60 in that eye. I will take your saffron the rest of my life." Diane M, Illinois, United States


"I have been having Avastin injections for some time now with no great results, I have been taking your capsule for 4 months and went for an eye examination on Monday and there was good news I could read right down the chart until the very small letters. We are very happy"! CF,  North Island (Name and address supplied)


"I have been receiving your product from my daughter for the last 6 months . I have noticed a dramatic improvement to my sight. thank you". LH, Bay of Plenty (name and address supplied)

"Hi Wendy, I am so thrilled as I have just come away from my optician who has given me the best news yet. My eye health is excellent and considering that 18 months ago I was on the verge of losing the sight on my right eye with Acute Anterior Uveitis which is a rather nasty arthritic inflammation of the eye. Having now used Hawk Eye from you for several months the pain has all but gone and my eyes are in excellent health. Cannot thank you enough. Saffron rocks". Paddy-Ann  Central Otago


"Eleven years ago I had successful laser eye surgery to correct significant short sightedness since childhood.  At the time an under correction was deliberately done to provide additional time before age related eye sight deterioration would naturally occur (ie reading glasses!). A couple of years back I was needing 1.25 magnification glasses for most reading and computer work.  I have been taking Hawk Eye now for 4 months and wasn’t sure if there was any noticeable changes to my eyes or my eyesight until I began to realise that I wasn’t putting on my glasses to read the computer screen like I used to – or if I did put them on I was having to take them off to get better clarity! Clearly my eyesight had improved and to the point now where I am not having to put on reading glasses anywhere near as frequent.  I feel like I have given my eyes a refresh and renewal". Paula M - Central Otago, New Zealand 

“I have worn contact lenses since I was 18 and had laser surgery to correct my vision when I was 40. For the last 10 years I have gone back to contact lenses for general vision and occasionally reading glasses for close work. After talking with Wendy, I decided to start taking Hawk Eye as I had noticed that I was struggling at times with general vision and was thinking it is time for a new prescription. My thoughts were that if I could take something to improve my general eye health and maybe improve my vision, it would be worth it. After about 3 weeks of taking Hawk eye, I actually had a day when my vision just seemed clearer. I have found that my close vision has improved which has been an unexpected bonus. I highly recommend Hawk eye and am now on my 2nd course”. Adrienne – Central Otago

“I have been taking Hawk Eye from Wynyard  Estate for 2 months now….

My long vision is crisper and clearer than it has ever been, it’s rather exciting considering

I am currently going through chemotherapy and that can affect your eye sight..

Graham and Wendy are a fantastic couple and I would thoroughly recommend you try Hawk Eye as I have.”


Gail S – Central Otago

DIsclaimer: Supplements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Results may vary from person to person. Information on this website does not replace the individual advice and consultation of a doctor or pharmacist. You should seek appropriate healthcare professional advice for any medical condition and if symptoms persist

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+64 3 446 6641

027 347 8691

29 Frames Lane RD 2

Roxburgh 9572

© 2020 Wynyard Estate Saffron

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