Scientific Studies show that only Premium Grade 1 Saffron is suitable for health applications. Please note: there is no such grade as "Pharmaceutical Grade Saffron"
International ISO Standards - Wynyard Estate Saffron
Grade 1 - Certified
Safranal ( Aroma) , Picrocrocin (Flavour) . Crocin (Colour)

Not all Saffron is created equal and like wine it can take a trained eye, nose and pallet to know the difference. Saffron ranges from Grade I to Grade III and grades are determined by the Colour, Flavour and Aroma of the Saffron. Crocin needs to score above 200 to be Premium Grade 1, Picocrocin needs to score 70 plus and the Safranal across all levels is 20-50.
We know what happens with our Wynyard Estate NZ Saffron from the time it flowers to the time it's packaged. Annually since 2015, we have had our Saffron tested (by the University of Otago) against the stringent international standards for Saffron quality (ISO 3632:2).
Results showed that Wynyard Estate Saffron grown here in New Zealand is Premium Grade 1, meaning it -
Is superior in colour, taste and aroma than low quality Saffron
Is Super Negin Saffron with no floral waste (meaning it is pure Saffron and nothing else)
Is 100% Guaranteed Premium Grade 1 as set by the International Standards for Saffron quality
Not blended with any other Saffron
Packaged to high standards
Wynyard Estate Saffron started the NZ Saffron Guild in 2018 to support new Saffron growers in the industry. This is very important to us, as we have seen growers spend a lot of money and then either decide that it is not for them, cannot find a market for their Saffron, or have had issues with the growing of the Saffron and quality.
So - we do this - you can either purchase small garden Saffron Corm packs and have some fun with them. Full care and instructions will help guide you with this and of course you can contact us. All of our Corm packs are ready to go in December each year. Please note - Our Saffron Corms are sent out Monday and Tuesdays only due to postal delays.
For those thinking on a larger scale, we have larger corm packs (5000 up to 20,000) . Again our support and help is given along the way.
We help with easy entry into this and you will also become part of the NZ Saffron Guild, which gives you access to us - for free. We will do the best to help guide you on your business adventure. This is not a buy back scheme! We encourage new growers to think about their Saffron production with a product in mind that isn't just Saffron to sell.
All commercial Corm orders for the 2024 season are now fully booked. Registration for the 2025 season are now being taken. Contact to book yours!
If you would like to know more about this contact us and find out more info. Please go to the contact page and send us a message, or call. We are happy to help and talk Saffron!
Please note: this is for NZ purchases only. We do not send our corms overseas.

Saffron is the most highly adulterated spice inthe world. Reports have shown that approximately 1 in 2 Saffron products have been tampered with in some way. We take quality control very seriously and we know what happens with our Saffron from the time it flowers to the time it's packaged.
With Wynyard Estate Saffron you’re safe in the knowledge that its -
PREMIUM GRADE QUALITY – Wynyard Estate Saffron is Premium Grade 1 Super Negin Saffron.
FRAUD - a 2012 report showed that up to 99% of Spanish Saffron was actually low quality imported Iranian saffron and repackaged as Spanish saffron. The US Food Fraud Database showed that there are over 109 different ways to fraudulently make Saffron. We want to protect us and you from fraudulent behaviour.
NOT BLENDED WITH OTHER SAFFRON – you’ll get Premium Grade I Wynyard Estate Saffron 100% every time. We don't blend our NZ Saffron with Saffron grown on other farms or imported saffron.
SUPER NEGIN SAFFRON THREADS ONLY – Pure red Saffron is called Super Negin Saffron. The yellow and orange bits you may see on your usual Saffron threads aren’t Saffron, this is floral waste. It has no culinary value. They are left on there to increase the weight of the product…so you end up paying more for less. In other words buyers are getting ripped-off. With Wynyard Estate you get Sargol Saffron and nothing else. NEVER buy powdered Saffron, unless from a reputable supplier - it's too easy to adulterate.
PROTECTED BY ANTI-FRAUD CHECKS – Our Saffron has specific biological signatures unique to our location in Central Otago. That means we can take any Saffron in the world and know whether it’s ours or not. We want you to have confidence…every time…that you are getting the real deal. If you’re unsure that the Saffron you are using is from Wynyard Estate, just send as a sample (we’ll pay the postage) and we’ll test it for free to make sure.
PROCESSED UNDER FOOD SAFETY – Wendy and I are both trained in Food Health and Safety. We control every step of our product production from planting, processing and packaging. We know what happens when and where. 100 % NZ grown and manufactured!
100% GUARANTEED - Wynyard Estate Saffron, non blended, Super Negin Saffron
WARNING - yellow and orange parts on your saffron product is not saffron - it's left on there to increase the weight.
We use only Super Negin Saffron

image source:londonslarder
NP 3 is the food health & safety programme set by the Food Health & Safety Authority in NZ. All Saffron growers must hold this verification. Wynyard Estate volunteered to implement the programme immediately and NP 3 status was granted in 2016.
This is a public register and you can check by going to the Ministry Primary Industries website.
We began our Saffron journey in 2012 and in 2015 had nearly produced our first kilo of Saffron! The excitement is still as great now as it was back to the first few grams of Saffron that we grew. We have learnt a lot, and are still learning especially about the harvesting, quality, storage and using your Saffron to get the most from this beautiful spice. Our average is around 140,000 flowers for one kilo of Saffron - internationally it is 150,000.
Our Saffron is available in the Saffron Studio or by order only. We use 98% of our premium grade 1 Saffron for our Hawk Eye - Saffron capsules for eye health. We do not blend our Saffron with any other Saffron.
Our Saffron corms were originally sourced from 2-Paddocks in Central Otago. Corms are propagated using standard techniques. We follow strict plant husbandry protocols to ensure our plants are healthy and well cared for.
Our Saffron is thoroughly tested by a 3rd-party facility in NZ for any unwanted microbes. It passed with flying colours. Always check that any Saffron you buy is dried at 70 degrees Celsius to ensure any unwanted microbes are killed.